Your performances

Empezamos este curso con la pieza de esta famosa Banda Sonora.


Vídeos 2018-19

Los cursos de 1ºESO tras la prueba inicial han empezado con la interpretación y grabación de la pieza de la afamada BSO de Mary Poppins.



Videos 2017-18

Here we have the first videos playing the recorder of the 1st ESO courses.

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Finally we have our boys and girls of 1st playing the piece The last of the Mohicans.


I leave the video in which are the three courses that have done fantastic.

Here there are your vídeos.

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No podíamos ser menos y nos hemos unidos con los grupos de 1º de la ESO a la corriente que está más de moda: parecer como el nombre indica maniquíes.


                                     Los tres vídeos han quedado muy originales.

Image result for muchas gracias

After learning the melody and practicing the rhythm we managed to finish before the Christmas holidays the song with Chinese chopsticks.


The results you have in the videos.



I am very happy for your work.

Congratulations to all!!

At last I have been able to prepare your raps!!

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All have been different and very creative as well as original.
Easy? No, it was not but you have done great.
I hope you like it!!

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I congratulate you on this first year has been a difficult change, but what you are doing great.



Excellent performance!!!


1st year students have prepared some raps that you are going to hear now in which they had to use the vocabulary they have been learning so far in music classes in English.

We hope you enjoy it a lot.

«Your own composition»

Excellent work girls!!!